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09 listopad 2023 ─ 17:00

 9.11.2023 / czwartek / g. 18.00 

/ sala widowiskowa / wstęp wolny / spotkanie w języku angielskim

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„Ukraine: A War Crime” to wyjątkowa praca zbiorowa. 93 fotoreporterów z 29 krajów opowiada historię rosyjskiej inwazji na Ukrainę z perspektywy osób, których zadaniem jest jej dokumentowanie. 

Zdjęcia i reportaże nadesłane przez fotoreporterów, przedstawiają konflikt, katastrofę humanitarną i dochodzenie w sprawie zbrodni wojennych, ujawniają przemoc rosyjskiego ataku i wysiedlenie milionów ludzi. Zdjęcia zebrane w książce to efekt pracy fotoreporterów pracujących w strefie wojny.  

W spotkaniu udział wezmą przedstawiciele Fotoevidence: Svetlana Bachevanova – pomysłodawczyni oraz dyrektor artystyczna, David Stuart – redaktor, a także fotograf Evgenij Maloletka.  

Spotkanie poprowadzi Joanna Kinowska.  

Spotkanie odbędzie się w języku angielskim. 

 9th of November / 6 PM 

/ SDK Auditorium / free entrance

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„Ukraine: A War Crime" is a unique, collaborative book bringing together 93 photojournalists from 29 countries to tell the story of the Russian invasion of Ukraine from the perspective of those tasked with documenting it.

The images and reportage contributed by these photojournalists covering the conflict, the humanitarian catastrophe, and war crimes investigations reveal not only the indiscriminate violence of the Russian assault and the displacement of millions of people but also their first-hand experience as photojournalists at work in a war zone. 

The 2023 Fotoevidence Award book is dedicated to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and war crimes committed on Ukrainian soil. For the book, FotoEvidence received more than 5000 images from 122 photojournalists from 35 countries and 93 of them have their visual and written testimonies included in the book.

The meeting will be attended by: representatives of Fotoevidence: Svetlana Bachevanova – concept and artistic director and David Stuart – editor and photographer Evgeniy Maloletka.

The meeting will be led by Joanna Kinowska. 

The meeting will be held in English.  

Svetlana Bachevanova is a Bulgarian-American photojournalist.  Svetlana's life as a photojournalist and human rights activist started underground at the first anticommunist newspaper in Bulgaria (1988). She went on to be the photo director of the Bulgarian National New Agency before emigrating to New York, where she founded FotoEvidence in 2010.

Svetlana conceived the FotoEvidence Book Award and the FotoEvidence  W Award to support the work of photographers dedicated to the pursuit of human rights, publishing work that is unlikely to find commercial publication.  Under her management FotoEvidence occupies a unique space in the world of photojournalism as both a publishing house and activist organization.

David Stuart is a sociologist with a dedication to human rights that began as a teenager at the United Nations International School in New York. His interest in photography also dates from his childhood spent hanging out with photographers at Magnum in NY where his mother worked.  He co-founded FotoEvidence with Svetlana Bachevanova in 2010.

During the 1980s, he helped  to initiate and served as the executive director of the Disarmament Action Network, a coalition of over 100 organizations mobilized in opposition to US, Cold War military and foreign policy. He subsequently worked with the Boston College Media Research and Action Project, designing and analyzing research on the mass media and political cognition and consulting to social movement groups. During this period, he helped initiate United for a Fair Economy, an organization focused on income inequality.  He has managed political campaigns and worked as a consultant to social movement organizations.

Evgeniy Maloletka is a war photographer, journalist and filmmaker from Berdyansk, Ukraine. Since 2014, Maloletka has been covering the war in Ukraine. He has also covered the Euromaidan Revolution, the protests in Belarus, the Nagorno-Karabakh war and the COVID-19 pandemic in Ukraine. Maloletka graduated from the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute in 2010. In 2009, he started working as a staff photographer for Ukrainian media, and went on to working as a freelancer, collaborating with the Associated Press, Al Jazeera, Der Spiegel and others. His work during the siege of Mariupol in 2022 and 2023 received two Pulitzer prizes, World Press Photo, Knight International Journalism Award, the Visa d’or News Award and the Prix Bayeux Calvados-Normandie. He has also received awards from Italy, Germany, Norway and the United States.


Logo Fotoevidence wwwFounded in 2010 in New York and now operating as an association in France, FotoEvidence is a non-profit, educational organization working at the intersection of photography and human rights. 

The annual FotoEvidence Book Award grants the publication of a book to one photographer whose project. demonstrates commitment in the pursuit of human right and social justice. The FotoEvidence W Award grants a female-identifying photographer with the publication of a book for a personal project with social impact.

FotoEvidence plays a unique role in the photojournalism community, publishing work that is unlikely to find commercial publication, and working with advocacy groups in the field to use images to provide access  and tell human stories that make issues salient and move people to act for social change.

In 2022, when Russia invaded Ukraine, FotoEvidence altered its practice for the annual Book Award and put out an open call to any photographer covering the war in Ukraine.  The resulting 2023 book, Ukraine: A War Crime, is a collaboration with 92 photographers from 29 different countries.


Logo FotoevidenceAwrdBook

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